Invitation to NSW Local Council Candidates
Given the challenges of conducting local council election campaigns in the middle of a pandemic (something I’ve discussed here) we are looking to offer candidates in the NSW local elections…
Independent Voice of South East Australia - Ngarigo country.
Given the challenges of conducting local council election campaigns in the middle of a pandemic (something I’ve discussed here) we are looking to offer candidates in the NSW local elections…
Coming EV-ent Saturday 22nd May For every gloomy prediction in the climate change debate there is a counter argument to be found. However there is an argument revealing another proponent…
Silence… from “the Returned” that saw the sacrifice. As we watch the words projected on the Sydney Harbour Bridge Southern approach we can see the image on the Eastern wall…
Did you mean Easter ? Our annual Autumn 3 to 4 day holiday and a chance to show off our Easter bonnets ? The chocolate egg hunt on Easter Sunday…
its not looking too smooth… As I watch the traffic roll along the Super highway, the “Michael West Report” sticks out like a beacon demanding attention. Will there be someone…
West of Bali, there is a town called Jembrana, host of the annual bullock challenge. The Eden Monaro Voice wishes all a prosperous new year as we muster our courage…
Deck the halls with boughs of holly and embrace the Yule or Litha make believe…. The approaching season is traditionally something that we enjoy doing annually. Tales in songs of…
Bredbo Community Lifting their spirits Story and photos by Robyn Wilkinson then plagiarised by Nulu Now at the end of November 2020 as COVID restrictions ease, Bredbo, a small community…
Regulating environmental sensitive land It may not be the intention by Governments to obfuscate (making it difficult to understand) the new “Land Use Strategy”, However, the outcome will be that…
Taxing wind on Saturday after calmer conditions for the previous Wednesday Story by Tim Symons, photos by John Byrne and Alan Davis… Feature Photo, Jason Abbott and Sam Bishop spectacularly…