NEWSFLASH: Local council elections in NSW have been postponed (again!) to the 4th of December 2021.
I have previously raised concerns about how on earth candidates would campaign in the middle of a pandemic so in many ways I’m not surprised at the delay. At that time I didn’t even touch on the question of how people would safely vote.
Perhaps in December we could all use iVote but at the moment it is currently pretty restricted
Here’s a link to the announcement from the NSW Electoral Commission:
and the NSW government gazette:
What now? Well, I’ve already received the following comments in chronological order:
Caretaker Mode?
One proposed candidate raised her concerns:
“We are on the first steps towards tyranny when we as a democratic country ‘allow’ the government to avoid elections and remain in power past their mandate. They should be in caretaker mode at the least with restrictions on their powers.”
Which was supported by another:
“Our councils have already had an extension of their term by 12 months and now another 3 months. Decisions made during this time have been made during a period when some of their constituents have felt they have no mandate to make long standing decisions.
Many LGA’s and their communities have been hopefully waiting for the caretaker period to start on 4 August when certain major decisions are not allowed to be made. We now face another 3 months of decisions which can be made, which in some cases will not be able to be reversed (like the impending sale of community assets).”
Karen Porter (SMRC Candidate)
Snowy Monaro Regional Council (SMRC) candidate Karen Porter had this to say:
“The extension of time should have been 6 months last year as covid was worse over winter. Ivote could have been extended so elections continued. Victorian Council elections continued.
This group of Councillors has already been extended and are able to continue to make decisions. Caretaker mode for 6 months may be too restrictive. I would like to see a moratorium placed on major decisions until the next election.”
Karen Porter
Michael Freeman (SMRC Candidate)
Another SMRC candidate Michael Freeman commented that:
“I’d like caretaker mode too, especially as it’s the 2nd term extension and the first council election since a forced amalgamation. Admin only would be prudent.
I’m stoked that it’s been delayed. I’d be less so if I were an incumbent.”
Michael Freeman
Olivier Kapetanakos (SMRC Candidate)
Olivier Kapetanakos is also an SMRC candidate and had this to say:
‘Pissed off’ It beggars belief that our democratic rights are further eroded. How can the minster of local government unilaterally delay elections across either state without any consultation with council or heaven forbid with those that are already registered. To move it to the start of December further demonstrates a lack of empathy for the new councillors who will need to undergo the process of induction.
Why should regional areas be treated in the same manner as urban council?
Why doesn’t the government plan for ways to allow the community to exercise its right to vote using the same technology that is used for licensing or registration. So disappointing!
Olivier Kapetanakos
Vele Civijovski (SMRC Candidate)
Another SMRC Candidate, Vele had this to say:
“The news of the election delay is somewhat good and bad. Let’s hope that any reforms voted in between now and then benefit the shire in a positive way, and at least candidates have more time to connect with the community to help strengthen the shire’s future!”
Vele Civijovski
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson from the Snowy Monaro Community Advocates:
“Postponing NSW Council elections was inevitable in the absence of any Covid safe electronic voting system.
Covid is not new, the world has been living with it for over 18months. Just how long does it take our politicians to get their act together.
This virus did not start here in Australia. Liberal Federal Government controls our borders and quarantine facilities.
Liberal State Government hasn’t thought to provide our democratic process a Covid safe voting system.
No one can support violence and group gatherings opposing the current restrictions. But we can all understand the frustrations leading to them.”
Peter Anderson
John Rooney (SMRC Councillor)
From John Rooney current SMRC Councillor:
“Postponement of the local Council Elections until December is a prudent move. It will provide a chance for everyone to be fully vaccinate and allow candidates to campaign normally.”
John Rooney
Luke Williamson (SMRC Candidate)
Luke Williamson SMRC candidate:
“Council elections were due in 2020 but were delayed 12 months due to the pandemic. A lot has happened in that year including development of a widely criticised Rural Land Use Strategy (that proposed extensive radical rezoning) and a new rates structure decided (under which many people’s rates are set to rise). Spending has also continued at an unsustainable rate.
Many citizens are unhappy with the outcomes achieved since the amalgamation and with the lack of meaningful community consultation on the decisions being made. While this further three month delay may be needed to protect the community’s health, it needs to be the last.”
Luke Williamson
David Porter (Bega Valley Shire Council Candidate)
David Porter, a Bega Valley Shire Council Candidate, had this to say:
Once again we see our city based political leaders making decisions that are disconnected with regional communities, according to the Sydney Morning Herald it was Labor Party that pushed for the council elections to be postponed, however Labor local government spokesperson Greg Warren actually asked for the postponement in “Sydney and Wollongong”, but the Local Government Minister Shelley Hancock chose to make a blanket postponement, seemingly not concerned with the ramifications on rural communities.
In July last year, while in full pandemic mode, we managed to have a Bi-Election for the seat of Eden-Monaro without the slightest problem, yet we are denied our democratic rights in local government, why should rural communities suffer at the hands of obviously Sydney centric State Government.
Many of our Councils are currently going though a phase of poor financial management that has been exacerbated by delays in the elections, changing the law to delay the elections may overcome legal obligations but does not solve the moral obligation the government has to our communities. Bega Valley Shire has plummeted millions into the red and two councillors resigned, now according to local media, the Mayor and Acting CEO have come out saying that rates need to go up. With the Minister failing to place councils in “caretaker mode” we are subject to the actions of a council with a smaller number of councillor votes, representing less of the community on a mandate that should have expired last year. This in not the way a healthy democracy operates.
By no means am I suggesting we take risks or endanger our community, but the bi-election proved regional areas could have a COVID safe election, I can’t say the same for the city.
David Porter
So far the feedback from the community has been mixed about the delay, but with many are concerned about the lack of mandate of the current councils and how we will be able to vote in December.
What do you think?
We will be talking further to community members, candidates and incumbents over the next few days. If you’d like us to add your voice to the conversation please contact us with your comment for publication here
Harry Longworth
[ Feature image by David Clode ]